Expired ADA Etiquette Training (Instruction by Easter Seals)
- 3076-2020-1
March 10, 2020
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Best Practices for Communicating with Older Adults and People with Disabilities
Interacting with Older Adults
People with Mobility Impairments
People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
People who are Blind or have Visual Impairments
People who have Service Animals or Emotional Support/Comfort Animals
People with Cognitive Disabilities or Intellectual Impairments
People with Hidden Disabilities
People with Seizure Disorders
People with Brain Injuries (TBI)
People with Autism
People with Mental Illness
People who are Hard to Understand
Best Practices for Communicating with People with Disabilities
ADA Regulations
Auxiliary Aids and Services
Person First Language
Words Matter: Incorrect “Labels” assigned to People with Disabilities
Common Sense Guide for Serving Customers with Disabilities
Communication by Situation
In Person One-to-One
Meetings & Conferences
Designing Interactions for Inclusion
Excellent Models of Customer Service
Each module includes group discussion, hands-on activities, scenario-based exercises and best practice illustrations of customer service and interactions with people with disabilities. There is time set aside for participants to share personal examples and ask questions pertinent to their own situations at their agencies.
Venue: MnDOT Central District Headquarters, Baxter
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