
FTA’s Transit Asset Management (TAM) Program Announces 2024 Peer Exchange and Working Group

Published on: November 11, 2023

FTA’s Transit Asset Management (TAM) Program is providing two opportunities for transit agency staff to engage with peers and share strategies and best practices about asset management, including a working group on asset condition and a peer exchange for best practices in aligning asset management activities with other FTA requirements.

2024 TAM Peer Working Group Call for Participation

The FTA’s Transit Asset Management (TAM) Program is continuing the success of the 2023 TAM peer working group with a new opportunity for 2024. The group will convene 11-15 participants in an online forum to discuss best strategies for determining asset condition. The group will meet regularly for one year, focusing on various aspects of strategies for condition assessment. Throughout the process, participants will promote peer learning, share peer-designed resources, and collaborate on best practices.

Applicants for the virtual TAM peer working group should complete and submit this form by Thursday, November 16.

Winter 2024 Peer Exchange Call for Participation

In February 2024, the FTA TAM Program will host an in-person peer exchange to discuss how agencies approach aligning their TAM activities with other related FTA requirements, such as:

  • NTD reporting,
  • developing Public Transportation Agency Safety Plans (PTASPs), and
  • preparing for Comprehensive Reviews.

Through this peer exchange, participants will share successes and challenges to gain best practices to make reporting processes less burdensome. The 1½ day in-person discussion will be hosted at a transit agency and include and a tour of the host agency’s facilities.

Applicants for the in-person peer exchange should submit this form by Thursday, November 16.

If you have any questions about either opportunity or FTA’s TAM Peer Program, contact Tamalynn Kennedy.

FTA Transit Asset Management Program
TAM Rule
TAM Peer Working Group Application
TAM Peer Exchange Application

to request a different date or venue for this course — or request a new course entirely.