
FTA Announces $3 Million Notice of Funding Opportunity for Transit Standards Development Program

Published on: November 23, 2022

Today, FTA announced a $3 million notice of funding opportunity under the Standards Development Program for an organization to develop an industry assessment and standards and tools in safety and other areas to address transit industry needs. The organization will develop voluntary standards and best practices to help transit agency implementation.

Developing transit standards are important for ensuring safety, security, accessibility, fare collection, operations and maintenance, intelligent transportation systems, and more are uniform and adopted across the industry. Transit standards development can help identify and expand upon information gaps and promote technological advancements.

The NOFO builds on a prior FTA program that developed reports consisting of gap analyses and recommendations for transit standards development. Apply by January 23, 2023.

Transit Standards Development NOFO
Standards Development Program
Transit Standards Development Program Supplemental Form
Previous FTA Standards Development Reports
Applying for FTA Funding




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