NADTC is Seeking Local Communities to Participate in DEI National Symposium
NADTC is Seeking Local Communities to Participate in DEI National Symposium
Published on: June 5, 2023
NADTC is announcing an exciting opportunity to be part of a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion event later this year. NADTC is seeking communities to serve as a local convener for a National Symposium designed as an event for local communities to bring together transportation and DEI stakeholders. The Symposium will include two components: (1) a recorded presentation by nationally known expert in DEI, Tamika L. Butler to be viewed by all local sites; and (2) community meetings held in six locations across the country to view the presentation, discuss its meaning locally, and develop action steps moving forward. Each site will receive a stipend of $7,000 and must convene between Aug. 21 and Sept. 10, 2023.
To learn more about this opportunity including eligibility criteria, timeline, expectations of the host site and support provided by NADTC, visit our DEI Initiative webpage. Agencies interested in participating must apply by June 9. Host agencies chosen for this opportunity will be notified by June 26, 2023.
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