The RTAP Advisory Committee provides guidance and input for the Greater Minnesota transit assistance needs for training and knowledge transfer. The Minnesota RTAP advisory committee meets periodically throughout the year for guidance for the program and upcoming events. The active members vote on important training decisions being made by RTAP.
The Minnesota Rural Transit Assistance Program Advisory Committee includes the following members:Â
Cathleen Amick: Transit Project Manager, MnDOT Office of Transit and Active Transportation (OTAT).
Ryan I. Daniel: Chief Executive Officer, St. Cloud Metro Bus. Represents the Minnesota Public Transit Association (MPTA) as a the president of the MPTA board. FTA section 5307, small, urban public transit provider.Â
Margaret Donahoe: Executive Director, Minnesota Public Transit Association (MPTA).
Melinda Estey: Training and Communications Program Coordinator, MnDOT Office of Transit and Active Transportation (OTAT).
Alan Herrman:Â SmartLink Transit Manager, SmartLink Scott County, Minnesota. Represents FTA section 5310, public transit provider.Â
Pat LaCourse: Transit Manager, Brown County Heartland Express. Represents FTA section 5311, rural public transit provider.Â
Jeremy Monahan: Transit Director, Faribault-Martin County, Prairie Lakes Transit. Represents FTA section 5311, rural public transit provider.
Paul Coyour: Transportation (RIDES) Program Director, Prairie Five Community Action. Represents FTA section 5311, rural public transit provider.
Beverly Sidlo-Tolliver: Transportation Coordinator, Arrowhead Regional Development Commission, a RTCC. Represents FTA Section 5310, enhanced mobility for seniors and people with disabilities. ​
Scott Stark: Training & Safety Manager, St. Cloud Metro Bus. FTA section 5307, small, urban public transit provider.Â
The advisory committee is supported by DRB Consulting. If you have any questions, please contact